Mapping Basic Motor Skills in Lower Grade Students: A Perspective from SDN 1 Betak


  • Muhamat Bahrul Ngulum
  • Irwan Setiawan Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • M. Akbar Husein Allsabah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri



Motor skills, physical education, school-age children, SDN 1 Bertak


This study aims to analyze the basic motor skills of lower-grade students at SDN 1 Bertak. A descriptive quantitative method with a survey approach was used, measuring skills through Fundamental Movement Skills tests including 30-meter sprint, 4x10 meter shuttle-run, ball throwing and catching, and Stork Stand balance. Results indicate that most students possess motor skills in the good category, with variability in agility, balance, running speed, and hand-eye coordination. The study concludes that the basic motor skills of students at SDN 1 Bertak in 2023 are predominantly in the good category, with some areas needing improvement.


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How to Cite

Bahrul Ngulum, M. ., Setiawan, I., & Husein Allsabah, M. A. (2024). Mapping Basic Motor Skills in Lower Grade Students: A Perspective from SDN 1 Betak. NUSANTARA SPORTA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu Keolahragaan, 2(03), 221–232.

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