Representation of Motor Movements of Elementary School Students in the Lower Grades of Nusantara University Laboratory PGRI Kediri
Motor movements, lower class students, elementary schoolAbstract
This research investigates the motor movement abilities of elementary school students at the Nusantara University PGRI Kediri Laboratory Elementary School using t-score conversion and norm categorization into five categories. Of the 146 students studied, the results showed that the distribution of motor skills included 33% of students in the "Poor" category, 44% in the "Medium" category, 11% in the "Good" category, and 13% in the "Very Good" category, with no students which falls into the "Very Poor" category. Analysis using t-score shows an average value of 152.4478 with significant variation (SD = 17.9229). This study confirms the importance of comprehensive evaluation and accurate statistical methods in understanding and improving students' motor skills in elementary education.
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